I visited
Minnesota's Largest Candy Store, and it was amazing. I didn't buy any candy, but I did buy some bottles of soda pop which looked exotic and/or tasty.
Here you can see the bottles of soda pop, photographed with and without flash in order to portray their color and clarity under varying lighting. The dark one on the left is actually an extremely dark blue, as you will see below.
Most of these reviews will not have much depth to them, because honestly I didn't perceive much depth or layers of rich flavor to most of the beverages. I poured each beverage into a glass with several ice cubes in it, so I could taste the beverage at full strength, and then slightly diluted as the ice melted away.
Name: Flying Cauldron Butterscotch Beer
How much/how fattening: 12 ounces, 120 calories
Notable ingredients: GMO free; Stevia Rebaudiana leaf extract; Cane sugar, not high fructose corn syrup
From: Reed's, Maybe now made by
"Butterscotch cream soda"
Appearance: Beige 'ginger ale' color, clear
Observations: I like shiny gold foil and purple on the label; it really makes it look special. The many typefaces are cheesy, but so is the art direction in the Harry Potter movies.
The taste is very butterscotchy! Just like
classic amber butterscotch candies. EXTREMELY sweet and syrupy.
The label says 'cream soda'. In America, 'cream soda' is (in my experience) a clear beige vanilla-flavored beverage; but in Canada 'cream soda' tastes like grenadine. As a muggle, I don't know what 'cream soda' tastes like in the mythical Scottish neverland where Harry Potter's fictional alma mater Hogwarts is described. Regardless, I am not a fan of American-style vanilla cream soda, and I am relieved that I did not notice any unpleasant amount of vanilla cream soda flavor.
No doubt good for Harry Potter fans, maybe appropriate for a Harry Potter-themed birthday party? I can imagine getting someone dressed like an owl to deliver invitations or something.
Name: Cool Mountain Peach Fountain Classic
How much/how fattening: 12 ounces, 160 calories
Notable ingredients: Cane sugar, sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate
From: Cool Mountain Beverages Inc., Des Plaines IL 60016
Appearance: Red-orange color, intense, clear.
Observations: I like a nice ripe peach, and I like peach candy; a peach soda pop sounds delightful.
It's mild flavor doesn't really taste like peaches. Tastes kind of like wax, somehow. I was disappointed by, and didn't really enjoy, this soda pop.
Name: Filbert's Blueberry Soda
How much/how fattening: 12 ounces, 150 calories
Notable ingredients: Corn syrup, sodium benzoate
From: www.filbertsrootbeer.com
Appearance: Very blue! Clear, but dark.
Observations: Minnesota adopted the blueberry muffin as the official State Muffin in 1988. My wife and I love blueberries, blueberry jam, blueberry syrup, and blueberry baked goods, and I had high hopes for this soda pop.
Mild, fruity flavor. Tastes nice. Maybe not like real blueberries, but nice.
I told you how bluish it is. It turns your stools bluish, too. WOW.
Name: Lester's Fixins Pumpkin Pie Soda
How much/how fattening: 12 ounces, 170 calories
Notable ingredients: Sugar (Pure Cane Sugar?), sodium benzoate
From: Rocket Fizz Soda Pop and Candy Shops LLC, PO Box 3663, Camarilla CA 93011[]
Appearance: Deep red-orange color, cloudy
Observations: Pumpkin Pie is my favorite pie, and I had high hopes for this soda pop. I was a little put off by the fact that Lester's Fixins is also known for bacon soda, buffalo wing soda, and mustard soda; all of which sound horrible. Would Lester's Fixins treat the great, beloved taste of Pumpkin Pie with respect?
On opening the bottle, I could smell the nutmeg. Nice.
On tasting, I tasted the nutmeg, and also strong cinnamon flavors. Very nice.
As I progressed through the bottle, I was treated to these strong spice flavors. If there were other spices (like allspice or clove), then I could not isolate them specifically for sure.
Finally, I think there was some kind of fruity taste lurking between these assertive spices, but I couldn't quite place it. I'm not complaining, though.
This soda pop is definitely the winner out of the four I purchased. Complex, fun and strong classic spice flavors show that the creators worked hard on this and didn't skimp.
If you like Pumpkin Spice lattes, treat yourself to a Lester's Fixins Pumpkin Pie Soda.