Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Bones Miniatures: Commission Time!

Some friends complained that they couldn't find decent miniatures for their D&D characters, and I decided to order and paint some miniatures for them.  They didn't pay me.  I guess I commissioned myself.

A lady friend complained that all the female druid miniatures wore skimpy outfits.  She was playing a club-swinging shield-bashing druid who wasn't running around the woods naked, thank you very much.  Danra the Female Druid seemed to fit the bill, as a lady more like Xena, Warrior Princess than a sky-clad flower child.  Danra is the only mini here cast in metal; I wish Reaper would make more like her.  My friend's favorite color is blue-green.

A gentleman friend told me about his gnome cleric who worshiped the goddess of luck.  His favorite color is blue.  I love gnomes.  These gnome warriors are cast as part of the Reaper Bones 4 Kickstarter.

Love may be grand, but Lovecraft is grander; I therefore could not resist these frog-like Deep Ones.

I suspect I was watching Sweetheart, the Survival Horror retake on The Creature from the Black Lagoon, while painting these Deep Ones.  I recommend it!  Sweetheart was genuinely scary for me, and if you think bulky amphibious man-beasts are too comical to be considered a serious threat, Sweetheart might be a thrilling wake-up call.

Another option is The Shape of Water, a Twilight treatment of The Creature from the Black Lagoon (or so I hear).  Bear in mind that in H P Lovecraft's stories, 'normal' people are often (at least partially) SEDUCED into the creepy amphibious lifestyle of the Deep Ones, which (like a creepy vampiric lifestyle) offers eternal life, albeit in service to dark forces.

If I was going to paint more of these guys, I would make sure my green 'back' colors were more distinct, because most of these guys look like they're the same color green, although these greens all came from separate bottles.  I would also figure out a way to transition the back color to the belly color at the edges; maybe with dry brushing, maybe with a seam of mixed color.  I might also research frog spots & stripe patterns.

I thought this incorporeal lady with the scythe was pretty cool, so I purchased this mini so I could paint it to look a little like Marceline the Vampire Queen, who similarly floats around.  I call her a 'wraith,' but in D&D 'wraiths' don't use weapons, although 'ghosts' can.

The Deep Ones and the female wraith with the scythe are cast as part of the Reaper Bones 3 Kickstarter, but during the Kickstarter campaign they were bundled with large packages I didn't want; so I ordered them because now I can order only the miniatures I want, à la carte.

Finally, we have a Marilith demoness, a Warg-like monster, and a sword-wielding Wraith I found in my Reaper Bones 1 Kickstarter rewards.  Shockingly, I still have most of my Reaper Bones 1 Kickstarter rewards minis left to paint, taking up precious space in my house, and yet (as you can see, above) I went and ordered more miniatures.


  1. These look great! Just recently started painting up my Bones 4 set and found this blog, some great ideas here! Looking forward to seeing more.

    1. I'm glad you like them! I would love to see your efforts; can you post pictures?
      If you look at my other entries, you'll see I've been using the color wheel to inspire me. Honestly, posting these photos is another important impetus.

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