Wednesday, October 31, 2018

#Drawtober2018 31-Hallow Queen

I was influenced by The Conjuring 2 (which scared the shoes off me) on TV while drawing this.  I imagine a "Hallow Queen" to be a lady REALLY GOOD at hallowing (making holy), and thereby good at dispelling demons and vampires.  I imagined the demon disintegrating like old crackly paper, whereas the vampire would turn to dust. 

I also discovered that HallowQueen is a big LGBTQ Halloween festival.  I have no idea how to draw this, but I hope everyone there had a fun and safe holiday.

Drawtober2018 was a blast for me; I worked hard, went through a lot of paper and pencil, and I think I improved my drawing abilities a little.  I also had something to strive for, and I am proud of delivering a drawing EVERY DAY.

Sadly, Google has threatened to destroy Google+ next August.  This makes me very sad.  I'm not sure which social media platform I will switch to.  I hope against hope that Google will reconsider their decision.

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