Friday, April 10, 2020

Bones 4 Miniatures: Purple/Violet!

It's another lovely day underground!  Always the same cool temperature, always soothingly dark.  Certainly there is no better day for a clan of Gnomes to explore a treasure- and monster-filled cave.  Of course everything is in various shades of purple and violet, as the dial on the color wheel is pointing to Violet for this batch.

Here is our brave clan of gnomes.  Gnomes are about half as tall as humans and can see twice as far (and in full color!) in dim light.  They can magically speak with burrowing animals once per day and cast little illusion spells to help them survive in a world of big scary monsters.  Of course they make excellent miners and prize gemstones very highly.  As proud, magical beings, these gnomes are attired in purples and violets, with gold accents.

Purple shriekers like these don't attack adventurers per se; but if you get close to them, they emit a piercing scream, which tells any predatory monsters within earshot: dinner has arrived!  Intelligent monsters sometimes deliberately plant shriekers around their lairs to serve as living burglar alarms.

At last we approach priceless cave crystals, guarded by deadly violet fungus.  Those fungi don't look like much, but they can lash out with deadly tentacles, slathering unknowing passersby with a horrible flesh-digesting goo, which eventually reduces their hapless victims to puddles of raw nutrients which the fungi can then feed from and grow spores in.

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