Friday, April 24, 2020

Bones 4 Miniatures: Black & White!

What's going on here?  Is it a badass Elven diplomatic visit to the Drow?  Or were these Elves caught snooping around underground, and a Drow matriarch will now decide their fate?  I had these Elves and Drow miniatures in my Bones 4 rewards, and they all fit into a single batch; I expect the stealthy subterranean Drow to wear black, so why not dress the Elves in High Elf white and call this batch Black & White?  Those ebony-skinned Drow were never going to fit into the color wheel, anyway.

These elves are a little rougher & tougher than I'm used to seeing Elves.  I thought it would be boring to just paint them in all white, so I did some pale pastels.  And there are 6 of them, so I did the color wheel in pastel.

These Drow look terrifying and aristocratic, as you would expect.  Again, boring to just paint them black, so I did dark colors.  Again, I had 6 of them, so I tried to do the color wheel in dark colors.  I painted their skin with a dark purplish gray rather than straight-up black, because it looked more naturalistic, and because they would just disappear into silhouette if I painted them flat black

The Dark Elf Queen on Throne by Bob Ridolfi sadly isn't poseable, so she can't really get off her throne.  I tried to make the throne look like the basalt I saw on Minnesota's North Shore of Lake Superior; this basalt is extremely hard and semi-crystalline, but very brittle and nearly impossible to carve.  Similarly, the throne is magnificent, but the details are crude; I the seat isn't curved, and there are chips in various places.  I imagine the Drow used various magical abilities to get the normally almost unworkable basalt into this magnificent spider throne, then they quit when they got tired and decided this was 'good enough'.

A word of advice: if you plan to paint this swell Drow Queen miniature, don't glue the Queen to the throne until you're done painting both the queen and the throne.  There is a very visible but difficult-to-paint area between the queen's back and the throne; so I recommend you paint the queen and the throne, THEN glue the queen to the throne.

The Drow worship Lolth, a spider goddess, so spiders are a big thing for Drow elves (note the queen's spider throne).  Big spiders are an even bigger thing for them.  This giant Cave Spider by Kevin Williams is the only spider I got with my Bones 4 Kickstarter rewards.  I was inspired to paint it blue with beige spikes after learning about Cobalt Blue Tarantulas and a newly-discovered electric blue tarantula.

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