Saturday, April 7, 2018

Egg Salad Recipe

Egg Salad

1 dozen eggs
1 large raw beet, sliced thinly
2 T white vinegar
4 c water
4 T mayonnaise
2 T prepared mustard
2 T kalamata olives, sliced
1/2 c green onions, chopped
Pepper (to taste)
Paprika (to taste)

Put the raw beet slices in a pot with the water and vinegar.  Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer.
Wash the eggs with soap and water, rinse them well, then gently place them in the pot with the beet broth.
I suppose you don't NEED to color the eggs before you turn them into egg salad, but I'm leaving it in the recipe for humorous purposes.

Let the eggs simmer for 15 minutes, then strain the beet broth into a bowl.  Place the eggs in the bowl, and let them soak in the broth overnight in the refrigerator.
I was hoping for a beety magenta color.  I mean, I could have BOUGHT brown eggs.

Gently rinse off the eggs.  Take 6 of the really good-looking ones and put them back in the carton to show people later.
Take the other 6, peel the shells away, and rinse any shell fragments off.
They only taste a little beety.

Put the de-shelled eggs in a bowl with the mayonnaise, mustard, olives, onions, pepper, and paprika.  Use a potato masher to break up the eggs and mix the ingredients thoroughly.

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