Sunday, September 21, 2014

Keyboard manufacturer forgot to cross a T

At work, I use a Dell L100 keyboard.  It has nice tactile feedback, and I always know where the Enter key is.  For my home, I wanted something just like it, but Dell (foolishly) doesn't seem to sell the L100.  I tried another keyboard; I soon discovered that the function keys are uncomfortably small, and the Enter key is too far away to use comfortably.

I went to the computer store and I discovered a keyboard by Vivitar which looked more comfortabe, with full-size keys and deeper key travel.  The Enter key seems to be in the right place.  I touch-typed on it with no problems.

And then I looked at it closely, and I discovered that the T was missing!  Accidentally replaced by another letter!  I asked myself how this could happen; but mostly I had to qwery: y?

I exchanged the keyboard two days later for an identical unit, except this one has a T key.  The guy at the store was very sympathetic ("I thought I was buying a 'QWERTY' keyboard, but instead..." I explained).  Always keep the receipt and packing materials!

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