Monday, July 9, 2012

Expect More Positivity

I just noticed how negative many of my previous blog entries are.  I was reminded of the Kevin Spacey character in the 1995 movie "Seven;" Morgan Freeman's character reads the Spacey's character's journals, and he finds an endless river of negativity and disgust.  No wonder Spacey's character became a sociopathic serial killer!  He hates everything!

Wait a minute...  What does that say about me? 

"Yeah, that Anton was a quiet guy...  Kept to himself a lot.  Never figured he'd be the type to destroy an entire planet with a Doomsday Laser.  Then I read his blog."

I'm not really so negative, I'm just venting; unfortunately, I don't have a klatch of ladyfriends (nor a support group) who I feel comfortable enough to vent this stuff with.  So I post it here as therapy.

So I will try to post only positive things here for a while.  Eventually, I hope to have a 50/50 mix of positive and negative material. 

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