Thursday, June 14, 2012

In Soccer News: Portugal takes Denmark, 3-2

I watched a soccer game on Wednesday, while I was waiting about an hour for my fried chain-restaurant meal.  I generally don't like spectator sports, except hockey and minor league baseball.  Why did I watch this soccer game?  Like a tray of donuts, it was there staring at me, and I had nothing better to do.  It was more interesting than golf or NASCAR.

Portugal played Denmark.  I rooted for Denmark because I like Danish cartoonists. 

Soccer involves a lot of running around on a huge green lawn back and forth for a long period of time.  When someone scores a goal, it's huge, because there are so few goals scored in any soccer game. 

I would pay good money to watch 400-pound American football players play a full game of European soccer.  I don't think they could handle all the running.

One unfortunate Danish player got kicked in the forehead by a Portugese player.  This is apparently legal if the ball is somehow involved; it means the guy's head just got in between the man's foot and the ball.  I was unsettled watching this unfortunate athlete in peak physical condition trying to blink away the effects of his semi-concussion.

Denmark lost.  I was disappointed.  Is this the Buffalo sports curse?  Will any team I root for lose? 

The restaurant was Poor Richard's, by the way.  If there is a significant difference between Poor Richard's and Friday's or Applebee's or any number of these very similar chain restaurants, I don't really see what that difference is.  I'd really rather eat at a mom & pop outfit. 

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