Sprecher Cherry Cran
By Sprecher Brewing Company, Glendale, WI 53209
"Cranberries taste like cherries who hate you."
--John Oliver
I happen to like the taste of sweetened cranberries. Surely this taste has been a beloved national favorite since Thanksgiving was invented. But drinking unsweetened cranberry juice is a brutal, tongue-peeling ordeal.
Let's look at the photo again: is this pale pink? Or is it 'rose gold'? Cherries are red, cranberries are red, but for some reason this soda is not. Not a complaint, just an observation; I certainly don't need any more red dye in my body.
The aroma and initial taste of this beverage is all cherry. I can't even taste the cranberry. There is a hint of an edge on this that I can barely make out, which perhaps passes for the tartness of natural cherry juice, or a winy undertone.
It is sweet, to be sure, but not TOO sweet. I gave my wife a taste; "what do you taste?" I ask. "Honey," she declares. And sure enough, the ingredients report "RAW WI HONEY."
Note that this is a 16-ounce bottle; you get 33% more pop for your bottle. Even so, the taste is certainly worth any extra expense.
I call these "Exotic Soda Pop Reviews," but Sprecher's beverages are not so 'exotic' here, more like a local favorite bottler. Their root beer has been beloved in the area for decades.
If you're thinking of passing on this because you don't want the taste of some kind of Ocean Spray breakfast blend, you are REALLY missing out. Sprecher's Cherry Cran is marvelous, with a complex flavor. I highly recommend it.

Whistler Classic Soda Peach
The bottle says it's made in Minneapolis, MN; but now it's bottled in Spring Lake Park, MN. Your best bet is the
Blue Sun Soda Shop.
I like the appetizing orange color. Before it touches my lips, it has a nice, mild scent. I should point out that this bottle is only 8 ounces; my previous soda was 16 ounces, so here I pay for my previous excesses.
It's very sweet, as you might expect. But smooth! A very nice flavor. Lightly carbonated.
My wife reports: "very fruity!" Which is what you'd expect, of course.
I'm tempted to say that the flavor is multilayered somehow: when it first hits your palate, when it sits in your mouth, and after you swallow it. All these flavors are great.
Whistler Peach is a winner! It's got a small bottle, but a big flavor.
The bottle says: "Return For Deposit," but I don't plan to drive for an hour or so to visit
Spring Lake Park in order to get my 10-cent deposit (or however much it is) any time soon.

Unfiltered Bruce Cost Ginger Ale Pomegranate with Hibiscus
Maybe order it from
I was NOT looking forward to trying this. I was worried it would be flowery, like herb tea or something. My wife kept pushing me to try it; no doubt so she could try some of it.
I like the lovely magenta color. It smells like ginger ale. It's definitely unfiltered, and weird dark lumps form a sediment. It's only lightly carbonated.
It tastes like ginger ale. There is an undertone; it MIGHT be fruity.
Of course I gave some to my wife: "not as good as I thought it would be."
It has a nice combination of fruity and dry. Not too sweet.
As I said, I was not looking forward to this, but it's really grown on me over the course of the bottle. Modern ginger ales tend to knock your socks off, but this is a really mellow gentle drink, suitable for your mom or other mild-mannered sorts on a balmy Summer day.

Kiddie Cocktails Limoncello
Maybe order it from
Very lemony yellow color.
Powerful, sweet and tart lemon flavor. Lemon, maybe with something else; not sure what. It's sharp, maybe due to regular lemon flavor, maybe due to extra citric acid.
My wife reports: "kinda like a good
Mountain Dew," but to be honest, I've never had a BAD Mountain Dew.
Very candy-like and syrupy. It could easily stand to have some crushed ice mixed in, or you could use this to make some actual cocktail, alcoholic or not.
No regrets, but I don't need to have a bottle of this again.