Friday, September 11, 2015

The Lair of Cuddles

I painted some miniatures for my sister and her husband's D&D characters.  I decided to throw in some monsters, so I chose some classics: 3 skeletons and a Large Spider.  But then I realized that those monsters wouldn't get used unless they were part of an adventure, so I added this simple 1-page adventure.


The local SPCA (Society for the Protection of Cute Arachnids) was delighted when someone decided to provide a forever home for Cuddles, the Large Spider; even if that someone was Morgeau the Necromancer.

Morgeau provided a nice shelter for Cuddles in the form of an underground lair.  Cuddles' needs should have been provided for by skeletons animated by Morgeau's magic.

Unfortunately, Morgeau has not been seen for some time.  Livestock has gone missing.  The local Sherriff and his Deputy (Griffith and Fife) decided to investigate, but they have not returned.

The SPCA is concerned that people will forget that spiders are beneficial and kill many household pests.  They offer a big bag of gold commensurate with the challenge this adventure provides for your party (go look it up on a table).


C1  1 Skeleton

C2  2 Skeletons

C3  3!  3 Skeletons!  Ha ha ha!  Players can now hear Griffith and Fife yelling and cursing angrily.

C4  1 Large Spider.  Griffith and Fife are also in the room, bound in spiderweb coccoons, yelling at the spider.  The web is too tough to cut easily.

Once the spider is defeated and Griffith and Fife are cut out of their coccoons, Griffith tears the head off the spider to reveal it was a big mask concealing the face of Morgeau the whole time.  With Morgeau's dying breath, he bitterly croaks out: "I would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for you darned kids."

There is no treasure in the dungeon, but Griffith and Fife get you your reward from the SPCA.

Sample Characters

Phredd, human paladin

Daphni, elven rogue

Vellma, dwarven wizard

Shaggi, half-elf druid

Scoobi, Shaggi's wolf animal companion (awakened)

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