Saturday, September 14, 2019

Bones 4 Miniatures: Kobold Blue!

I felt like painting an army of something, and my Reaper Miniatures Bones 4 Kickstarter rewards include 12 kobolds.  Cobalt blue is a marvelous deep blue pigment made from cobalt, aluminum, and oxygen.  The metal cobalt is named after Kobolds, who (according to recent editions of D&D) are distantly related to dragons.  There are blue dragons, why not blue kobolds?  Kobolds are also smaller than most people, so these miniatures are smaller than my usual miniatures. 

Wow!  That was a stretch for a dumb 'Kobold Blue' pun, wasn't it?  But did you know that Gary Gygax, the co-creator of Dungeons & Dragons (and Advanced Dungeons & Dragons) used to work in the insurance industry?  And did you know that D&D (and AD&D) were already common insurance industry terms for Death and Dismemberment/Disability (and Accidental Death and Dismemberment/Disability)?  And did you know that Gary Gygax was known to have a sense of humor?  My point is that the name of the game was probably always intended as a darkly humorous pun, inspired by the mayhem and gruesomeness of the typical dungeon crawl. 

On our left, we have Kobold Mooks. 

On our right, we have Kobold Leaders.